Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hart Hat Tour

Yes, yes, I know it's been a wHile since the site's been updated and so I've decided to add a few goofy pics of the Hard Hat Tour for Nev. Power. Last year we interns got to see a few generation plants (Crystal and Chuck Lenzie), where as this year we had the opportunity to fly to Reno and see alternative energy sources (i.e. solar power and geo-thermal). I was a little intimidated by the other interns but ended up having a lot of fun by eating too much, playing DDR, and playing speed (the card game) at the airport.

(Hopefully by this weekend we'll have more pics of the both of us...)

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Pheh! I thought you both died or fell off a cliff, cuz we don't hear from you much! Thanks for the hard hat pics, they are very good! -Suzanne