Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mario Kart Madness

Here are the results to our AWESOME Mario Kart Party! (Take a close look @ the botton right corner)

We had a great time at the Mario Kart Wii Party hosted by Ace and Daisey, which started by racing in groups of three or four to decide the final racing order. I came in 7th , Serena in 2nd and , Oliver in first. Although, I do believe there were a few glitchy remotes which made for interesting races. As compared to the last get-together, everyone was allowed to use the nunchuk if they wanted. Ironically, this did not result in a win for Serena who prides herself on using the added controller. Oliver and Brian were in the finals with Oliver coming in first. The committee discussed the race and found there was no 'blue shell' violation (Sorry Brian) . Congradulations Oliver on a flawless performance!